Office & Data Center
Projects: Engineering
You will find here under some key project references on Engineering.
For more information and references, please contact us.
High efficiency retail store
Jakarta - Indonesia
Decathlon Indonesia
GFA 2200 m2 - Delivery 2017
Project management - Technical Design (architecture, civil, MEP, infrastructure)
Environmental and Energy concept and design
Construction management
Decathlon, French brand of sportswear, wants to establish itself in Indonesia and to open 100 stores there by 2027. The first store ("first of class") is thus essential for this uncompromising mark on the costs and the deadlines. Green building was therefore selected to ensure the design (architecture, civil, HVAC) and site monitoring of this first store.
This building is also one of the most efficient retail building in Indonesia, reducing its energy bill by 43% thanks to the hybrid cooling system developed by Green building.
GreenBuilding was also in charge of the project management and led the design team to deliver in a short amount of time the first store in Indonesia.
French Embassy - Jakarta - Indonesia
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
GFA 6000 m2 - Delivery 2014
Environmental and Energy concept and design
HQE Environmental certification - Greenship Environmental Certification
The new French diplomatic campus in Jakarta brings together the Embassy, the Consular Services, and French Cultural Center. This new construction takes place instead of the previous French Embassy and suceeds to preserve the last old trees of the main avenue of Jakarta whiile doubling the GFA. First Embassy with the HQE certification, and first Embassy with the GreenShip certification, the design has been developped to be an enviromental demonstrator.
Primary School and Recreation Cente
Montreuil - France
City of Montreuil
GFA 1200 m2 - Delivery 2018
Envrionmental and Energy concept and design
In order to achieve a low carbon design, energy modelling and natural lighting modelling have been used to support the design process of this passive building. Materrials are eco materials. The building meets the following standards: Effinergie+, Passive House, Low Carbon building and ,the label Biomaterials.
Research and Training Center
Bali - Indonesia
Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries
GFA 3500 m2 - Delivery 2014
Programming - Project management
Environmental and Energy concept and design
The Indonesian Ministry of Fisheries needed a world class research and training center in Bali in the field of Spatial Oceanography. The building has been developed to optimize the flows and to control the access to confidential areas such as the data center. Strong analysis has been developed to increase the quality of education by providing high comfort, health and environmental performance (60% energy savings ).
GreenBuilding developped the environnemental and energy concepts, to ensure an energy consumption reduced by 60% compared with standard buildings in Indonesia.
Residence Callisto - Miramas - France
Terlat Group, real estate promotion
GFA 1900 m2 - Delivery 2015
Environmental and Energy concept and design
Low Energy Consumption certification
The Callisto Residence is a pilot project for the Terlat developer. Indeed, it is the first residence implementing a constructive mixed wood / concrete solution on a collective building. This design approach requires from the beginning, to integrate the industrial solution to build quickly and cheaply.
GreenBuilding led the technical studies and developped the industrial solutions necessary to reach the objectives: to build quickly and cheaply a residence of quality and environmentally friendly.
Ederly accommodation "Villa Mirabeau"
Pennes Mirabeau- France
Arcade Group
GFA 4700 m2 - Delivery 2012
Environmental and Energy concept and design
HQE Envionmental certification
Coaching and expertise to the general contractor
The Arcade Group has begun a construction operation for a 140-bed accommodation facilities for dependent elderly people in Pennes Mirabeau, France. this is their first operation with a very ambitious environmental commitment. Beyond the achievement of the objectives (costs, environment, ..) the Arcade Group wished to have a strong experience in the conduct of a high-level environmental approach. Therefore this project has become more complex, by associating specific hospital constraints with new environmental requirements.
In addition to its mission of environmental design and HQE certification, GreenBuilding has led a Green pilot project for the Arcade Group, the general contractor and sub-contractors, in order to help them improve their environmental approach.
DREAL Headquarters
Montpellier - France
Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and
Housing (DREAL)
GFA 7000 m2 - Delivery 2016
Environmental and Energy concept and design
The Montmorency building in Montpellier houses the services of the Prefecture of Languedoc Roussillon Region. This building is located in the heart of the city and represents a marked architecture. The objective of the project is to carry out a rehabilitation in occupied site, allowing to divide by 4 the consumptions of energy, while improving the comfort and the quality of life, and in particular the comfort of summer.
GreenBuilding Developped the tehcnical studies in order to meet the environmental and energy targets for the project, through dynamic thermal simulations and carbon footprint assessments.